How to Purchase Plywood Safely
How to Purchase Plywood Safely

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’re probably aware of the current situation in Victoria. Because of the increased level of restrictions many businesses have been forced to cease operations, or drastically alter how they operate for the time being.
we can still supply all your plywood needs, but with a number of alterations to the usual status quo. To help keep all of our dedicated customers in the loop, and to make your next order go as smoothly as possible, we’ve put together this guide to explain how to purchase plywood safely.

The Ground Rules

Before we go into more depth about how to purchase your plywood in compliance with the new COVID-19 restrictions, it’s important that we lay down some very important ground rules. While we are privileged to still be open during this uncertain time we need your help and cooperation to make sure everything runs smoothly and safely.

Firstly, we ask that every customer complies with the guidelines put in place by the Victorian Government. This means wearing a face mask at all times, maintaining social distancing, staying home if you feel unwell, and not travelling more than 5kms unless for work or essential reasons. You will be temperature checked upon arrival to make sure you do not have a fever.

Long Distance Relationship

Until further notice, Plyco’s showrooms are off limits to customers. This means you can no longer browse our products at your leisure and cannot purchase things over the counter. While we love having customers drop by, we have three convenient alternatives for placing your order.

By following all of these rules in conjunction with the guidelines set by the Victorian Government, we can keep our staff members’ exposure to other people to an absolute minimum. This way we help stop the spread, while still allowing you to work on those incredible plywood projects!




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